Brands by Jennifer Lopez

Celebrity brand collections usually have a greater feel, because it is Fashion design through the Artist, and the Artist herself has created a form of ?celebration? or ?celebrating? for people and fans, whether she sing, dance or act.

Jennifer Lopez is a performer who started her career as a dancer in the TV show In Living Color with Jim Carrey and had a breakthrough as a singer in the nineties and became a success. Later she became an actress as well and even as an actress she continued not failing her fans.

Her life story is interesting as she grew up as a beautiful talent in the deep ghettos of Bronx, New York, and her brands JLO by Jennifer Lopez, Sweetface and JustSweet all tell the story of her life, piece by piece.?

Singer and Actress Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Celebrities are a form of ?givers? that perform their life and spirit to who ever picks up on it and learns something, relates, enjoys it or simply accepts it and remembers it. As a celebrity designer you’ve earned to tell a story through material because an item is a collective piece created from a memory, moment, a whole year, a relationship or success where only the celebrity herself experienced.
Fabrics, gems, plastic, metals which is the most classic modern form of entertainment because fashion and clothes is something people make their own to a 100%, especially when creating a style to make the day their own.

Pieces by JLO is usually two things combined; It’s classy and sexy, sweet and diva or Fabulous and sophisticated. The more you are familiar with her life story and music, the less you need to wonder why the pieces are perfect for a happy outstanding day.

Clothing J LO by Jennifer Lopez
J LO by Jennifer Lopez


Aileen N 10/09/11

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