Fashion Stylists – Kate Young

A Fashion Stylist is like a Model’s best friend. The Model has to look good and the Fashion Stylist makes sure of this in various ways. A make-up artist works on the make-up itself, while a stylist dresses the Model and/or does the Model’s hair.

The Fashion designer gets instructions from the designer and is meanwhile trusted by the designer to understand what he/she means with: ?I want a dramatic crocodile skin highlighted theme with greens and reds?. A stylist has a big role since she/he decides what goes together with what and what model wears what. In some cases, they can even determine what outfit is best to begin, and what outfit should come after the first and so on so forth.


The more styles a fashion stylist has in her portfolio, the better are her/his chances to get the gigs they always wanted, and even to become a personal stylist of a star.


Kate Young is a famous fashion stylist for Magazines, photo-shoots and Advertising Campaigns. She is most famous for styling Natalie Portman. In this video she explains how she works as a stylist in the world of fashion


Watching this video makes me understand how serious of a job it is. While most people take their time with styling themselves and think it is a piece of cake job, these fashion industry stylist are not only trying not get all the crap for one small mistake, but also to maintain their title and do an amazing job each time and to make sure the runway show, advertising campaign or magazine spread is in style.


Another good site I found worth checking out is ?


On this site you can find a lot of up and coming stylist around the whole world, for any occasion. Some are building their portfolio while some are already established and desire a pay. It work’s a lot like Model Mayhem.


When you watch a model, movie, ad-campaign, magazine spread and you get inspired, it mostly is because of the style of the clothes and how the outfit is put together, and/or the hair and how it compliments the model. When the model looks good, the model feels good and the Fashion ?photographer is happy to shoot. If the model doesn?t feel good, but still looks good, the photographer will still be happy to shoot.


natalie portman
Famous Actress Natalie Portman


by: Aileen N.


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