Granted that the fashion demigods have enough taste to outshine their less celebrated fellow artists in the industry, it is natural to see them clothed from the most flabbergasting to the simplest attires on and off the runways. A round of applause is anticipated after every show. Why don?t we give one now?


One of the deemed geniuses who has also earned the title of fashion?s living legend is German Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld. Have you ever seen him without those shades? No, because it won?t be KL without them, and without the gloves ,too. There?s something about his look, especially the usual black tie and suit that seem to dress him with authority not only in the house of Chanel, but in the whole world of fashion. If he had the industry in the palm of his hand, who would need the fashion police?


chanel designer
Karlge Lagerferd Chanel Fashion Designer
Top Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld


Vivienne Westwood invented punk. The British designer added more spirit to rock ?n roll and like a true bloody Englishwoman, she expressed her style, dressed in outfits that are simply outrageous, full of brink and full of life. Additionally, she bore Sgt. Pepper into the world and inspired many designers and fashionistas with the trend.


fashion designer
Vivienne Westwood Fashion


vivienne westwood
Vivienne Westwood Punk Fashion


An era of ancient piracy, roguishness and vandalism flash back as John Galliano parades himself in such fashion. Although his style depicts bohemian appeal, it?s right to say he doesn?t look flashy at all.? Instead, this beloved designer is more street with a great personality that radiates into everything he wears.


john galliano
John Galliano


Diane Von Furstenberg is on top of New York fashion pedestal as she glides in sophisticated garb like a real star. While she is respected by many, Von Furstenberg is also idolized for her charm and the way she carries herself. As a veteran in the industry, she knows it?s ins and outs. It is definitely shown in apparels she puts out for herself which prompt other women to follow suit.


Elegant and Beautiful Young Diane Von Furstenberg
Diane Von Furstenberg Now


And who could forget the cartwheeling Betsey Johnson? This lovely lady seems to be not running out of energy at all. We can?t avoid wondering where she ever gets it. As quirky and dolled up as her runway models, she doesn?t let her heart grow old. Her dress gimmicks spices up the already bright, fun, and fabulous shows. Way to party in the city that never sleeps.


top fashion designer
Betsey Johnson Designer fashion
betsey johnson
Colorful, always smiling Betsey Johnson


More power to these fashion demigods and demigoddesses. And of course, more style!

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