Shoes can be tricky to look for. We have our own style depending on our shoe size, clothes, accessories, foot shape, etc, and still we try to look for a pair we never had before.
Summer is hot and sandals come in so many different styles that it can be hard to choose which ones to pick. Aldo shoes has a good variety to choose between, and they try to make every sandal look different from the other as much as possible, so it’ll be easier to get everything we want in our shoe. There are those with laces that tie around the ankle, those with different colored beads and the classic flip flop inspired sandals. This link takes you to Aldo’s summer collection (This specific page shows the summer designed heels. ) ?

Aldo has a great collection of sunglasses, hang bags and accessories that can be checked out online as well.

Another online shoe shopping page that I highly recommend for those who are looking for high quality different shaped shoes is ?

I fell in love with United Nude?s shoes, and they have shoes every season. Heel’s and sandals like theirs are impossible to be found anywhere else. Every Product is a piece of Art; imagine walking in any of these shoes in a place you always wanted to be, whether it’s at the Theater or at a Pool Party. Their shoes are very abstract and they all have a description at the top of the page when you click on the shoe you are interested in seeing/buying. (If you have difficulties finding the shoes on their web-page, press Products and then All Products)
Also check out their accessories, such as their Stealth Hats and wallets. The white color of this hat is my favorite color.

Aileen N