Marc Jacobs Spring 2012 Summer-Spring Collection

Fabrics are being put in to perspective in creative ways with a Downtown feel around the messy designs. Not knowing what to wear wont be an issue because it’s both dramatic and non literal. It might appear as a certain outfit until we’re shocked by the fashionably ?evil? changes to each and every item.

It reminds me of when your favorite skirt rips and you still want to keep it. Or when your favorite jacket one day fits to small, but you couldn’t imagine a different one. Or when the shirt you really wanted to get is a few sizes too big but that’s the shirt you’ve been looking for all this time.

In reality, Marc Jacobs is mixing styles together by showing what personal fashion fixations look like. It also brings culture in to fashion because it doesn’t look all that hard to dress up, besides, more people should and it’s not that serious.

Using fabric that looks plastic is really bringing this show in to the conclusion of ?nothing will stop me from going where I’m going, and I don’t have to dress the way I’m expected to in order to prove somebody cares about me?.

Picture 15 is one of my favorites, because even though it looks a bit different, it makes it easier to imagine dressing up without looking as classic as a 60ies movie star. Picture 18 makes street fashion out of the classic and sophisticated length skirt, and picture 20 is a less dull combination of pants and matching shirts.

Picture 28 is intriguing because it is almost as if ?the lonely lady down the street? is finally getting her point across, or saying ?alright, I’ll dress up. But I refuse to not wear the jacket you always see me wearing?.

This show is entertaining in that the fashion we looked forward to being mature enough to wear finally settles in together with our own personality, instead of the personality that wore it before us.

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157628844283227″] Aileen N 01/12/12

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