Miss J Alexander and his book ?Follow the Model?

Miss J Alexander is one of the most famous queer people in the media world, and is best known for being the model coach diva and judge in America?s Next Top Model with hostess Tyra Banks. As a runway coach, and as a male runway coach, Miss J has earned his respect from women because he can teach how to let go and just walk the runway. His presence says: ?The reason for why you need to be a diva is because you are tall, beautiful and automatically stand out and as a model you are born to be a diva.?

The book ?Follow the Model? is a book for not only models. It inspires by introducing the story of how he got to where he is today and why it is important to find confidence as well as how to find it.

At his book release he showed up looking very casual with no makeup and no glamorous outfit like we are used to seeing him. He quoted: ?I don?t compete with anybody, I compete with myself?.

The classic quote found a deeper and better meaning with his voice after he spoke to the audience.

Miss J is the eye opener of confidence, and how to own your own walk with less distractions of what is around you. It is easy to forget this when not adapted to a personal style, especially because the model walks the walk for a living while the person might loose confidence by thinking she/he might come off as a ?model? if having ?too much confidence?. When in reality, when getting used to yourself, you know what model to follow as well as what style is prepared for you?. His book clarifies and evens out these aspects of thinking and helps readers understand a models point of view and how it differs from the non models point of view when walking with confidence. It also helps you understand how to learn from a model and appreciate the fashion that is in your taste range, and what model might have experienced the same type of fashion style trials and thought provoking?changes in taste and clothing?as you.

Miss J Alexander


Miss J was born in the Bronx, NY, and made it to Paris by falling in love with fashion. His eye for beauty and his journey of getting in to the world of fashion graciously and with the respect of making it to his dreams speaks for itself and has made not only Miss J himself a fashion icon, but the world of fashion is understood to not be an impossible dream.

Just like any other entertainment, the fashion industry can get ugly as well as naive because of high exposure and advertising. Fashion icons like Miss J himself that had fashion as a dream justifies this field as something that is down to earth even if it has mind blowing and teasing tendencies to society, especially because fashion changes so rapidly ? sometimes so fast that some people feel like they didn?t get the chance to fit in to what they wear fast enough before the newer collections are introduced as more modern or futuristic choices.

In his book we get to learn how he got to know Tyra Banks, how he made it to the fashion world being from a place where it is not very glamorous and how he fell in love with fashion in the first place. How he converted what is around him in to beauty to reach Paris, and how women should have confidence in themselves.?A model can speak her mind in various ways, and a photograph taken by a fashionphotographer is a spoken matter, relative to follow in order to understand fashions and proper sexuality and expression?in regards to the style.

Miss J Alexander


Aileen N 07/30/11

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