Pat Mcgrath ? Famous Makeup Artist

As a reflection of colors, applied on the skin to create more visual effects for the world of fashion, and to compliment the high fashion standards ? make up artist Pat Mcgrath, Jamaican and born in England and known as the makeup genius and given the title : The most influential makeup artist in the world? by Vogue in 2007 and the global design director for Max Factor, Cover Girl and Dolce & Gabbana; advertising campaigns for Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein and Balenciaga.

Skillfully, she is able to apply makeup with her fingers and is a natural born with this passion.

Her ways of telling people that she is doing her job based on passion and not popularity is by not advertising herself; instead she is always creating something different and new and always being in high demand of the professionals. She does not own her own website either.

Pat Mcgrath Make Up Artist


Obviously advanced and original to the point of making it hard to copy; the methods used for the model on the picture above shows what people are talking about.

Pat Mcgrath Make Up Artist


The makeup takes over and becomes more intriguing than the jewelry and the fashions. If I could choose any item from the model in front of me it would be her eye shadow.

Pat Mcgrath Make Up Artist


The golden cracks on her lips is historically a makeup phenomenon and an original signature photograph is created and will have high popularity for a long time.

Pat Mcgrath Make Up Artist


The very neatly applied smokey eyes, using the most crucial colors in makeup is made perfect on the picture above.

Aileen N 07/30/11

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Pat Mcgrath Top Famous Makeup Artist