Finding the right photo rep for a photographer is almost as hard as finding a perfect mate to marry! ?There are many factors that determine the right marriage between the two.That’s why some stay single and some don’t. but let me warn you that ?most photo reps are very picky about whom they choose to devote their life to.
I know that many photographers feel the same about those photo agencies as well, but since after the digital revolution, almost every guy with a digital camera claims to be a photographer and there are practically millions of ?photographers VS a handful of Top Photo agencies and since?photography is also considered an ?art form and the validity of the art work is determined by expert authentication and popular demand and not?necessarily?by a few family and friends, Photo agencies are the perfect resource when it comes to searching for ?professional photographers
Who is to say that some work is better than others , or which photographer is ?more superior? ?Photo agencies do! As unfair and arrogant as it sounds to some?amateur?or professional photographers, ?but the truth is that most professional photo agencies like?Opus reps, CLM or 1+1 MGMT work with some of the most demanding people in the fashion and?entertainment?industry , ?fulfilling?their demands in ways they know ?best and that’s why most professional photographers rely on such representation.Where an artist is only judged by their professionalism and the quality of images delivered for a particular?purpose?and demographics. Photo agents are the experts in making the perfect match,almost?like a dating service, where they gather up both parties demands and interest and pair up the perfect couples for the job. But they do allot more than that, they also are responsible for all contractual agreements and negotiations for the photographers
Perhaps Annie Leibowitz?controversial?story or celebrity photographer David LaChapelle?and Rihanna story are two good reasons why all professional photographers need a great photo rep, not only to protect them from making bad financial?decisions, also standing behind them when someone is trying to rip them off!
The world of media (Art, Fashion and Photography, etc…) ?is constantly changing and growing alongside the interest of the mass ?and how our society interprets what is ART and what is NOT!!!
Photo reps are a great source when it comes to making those choices