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Fashion Photography Blog is set to fill fashion lovers, addicts and fanatics with their need for everything new, chic, and classic. All the latest and greatest information including articles and photos, on and for everyone working in and out of the fashion industry are provided in this site to feed your?insatiable?thirst for everything vogue. If you never want to be out of style, here is where you?ll always get it right.


We?re glad to reveal that Fashion Photography Blog is developing fame online with the reputation of a smart, professional , and fascinating source of knowledge.

Do you have a product, service or business to present and publicize?

Do you want worldwide attention every single week to popularize your cause?

If yes is your answer to both questions, then consider this:
Can you afford NOT to advertise at Fashion Photography Blog?


Premium Banners

1. Advertising Position is above the fold and visible to both new and old visitors.

a.?Site-wide Header Image Ad ? 728px x 90px

Cost: $395/month

b. Site-wide Sidebar Image Ad ? 300px x 250px

Cost: $295/month

c. Site-wide Sidebar Image Ad ? 125px x 125px
Cost: $95/month


2. Advertising Position within the ?Latest Posts? list on the Homepage, and under the blog post listings on the Archives pages.
a. Homepage/Archive Pages Image Ad ? 125px x 125px
Cost: $85/month

All banners have to be ?approved and have continuity with the feel and look of our website. We can even offer a free banner design for your?business?with every paid subscription.


Text Ads

Description: Text links in the Right Sidebar $45/month

?Featured Link? section ? near the top of the right sidebar. Your link will be listed on over 200 pages with ?SEO benefits of an established site inbound link.

Maximum 50 character?limit and anchor text can be according to?your specification.


Sponsored Review

Description:?Single posts to review your product, services or website $245 per review posted up to one year.

We will write a positive ?review of your products in about ?300 words with related links , images and videos if available and we will keep that on our blog for the agreed period. All contracts must be paid in advance


Post Level Text Link

?Description:?Post Level Text Links $30 a month

Description:?These links will appear in any post of your choice that we have already written or in any future post (in any particular category). super popular as deep-linking is gaining more weight ?than site-wide links. These text links will need to be pre-paid for 12 months and will stay live on the site for the duration of the paid link date.

All Ad Banners and Links are payable through Paypal. If you have any suggestions or concerns please refer to our contact page?.
Thank you
Fashion Photography Blog.


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Paul Costelloe ? London Fashion Week Fall 2011 ? Women

This show is using the first colors to be discovered, and that...
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