With a man as busy and preoccupied as Shaun Alexander, it is rare to get an interview, or even a chance to see him just sitting around doing nothing. Luckily, an opportunity for an exclusive interview with the World’s famous top fashion photographer?arose. Who would be a fool not to grab it? ?
For someone who does not classify himself as a fashion photographer based on ?his vast versatility, talent and extremely smashing body of work. However, one cannot help noticing his stylish and fashionable approach to everything he creates. ?Indeed he considers his work evolving and?challenging day by day. Encouraging other photographers to be informed of the upcoming trends and aim to produce images that are up-to-date and exciting.

Everyone should keep art in mind while venturing out with a career in the fashion world, he advises. Without understanding of art, there is no fashion nor photography. Art has always been Shaun Alexander?s object of passion, especially sculpting, for he had a great fascination for the human body and beauty.

Always inspired and ready to shoot the next billboard or the next multimillion dollar ad campaign, Shaun Alexander has just recently finished shooting for Susha Shoes, an Italian line of shoes and a vodka company called Demidoff Vodka. For the future, he is contemplating on coming up with his own fashion designs which isn’t ?a bad idea, cosidering his decades of experience in the fashion industry and his great taste in clothing and style. With his snapshots alone, one can tell his taste, vigor and passion for art, and wouldn’t it be just exciting to pour out creativity on anything fashion?

Shaun Alexander?s images will remain probably thousands of years even after he?s gone and it is what motivates him to put in his best shots forward every day. He tells us, ?Life is too short and every click counts, so why not making the best out of each one .? He also admits that the digital Evolution is inevitable, moving along with technology is a wonderful thing and sometimes necessary but “I personally believe that if I did not have the classic training as a photographer and did not spend countless hours in the darkroom developing my own pictures, I would not be who I am today.? he says