Styles on the Disney Channel

Disney is a genre that touches everybody in every age, and tells stories that go back to the Greek mythology days.

The good versus evil, and the wonders of why the evil became so evil, and how the good that fought against never think twice about that they shouldn’t makes Disney a close to heart experience. And fact is that we know most people we like would love it the same way, and hopefully dis like the evils in the same way as well

The new Disney channel shows are not only in cartoon anymore, but they are playful and colorful.
Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez are the main actresses and their styles are fun and stylish. They both are modern day cute young women and their styles differ and shows the difference in their character, although many would say ?they’re both just cute?, they both hold a different image.

Miley wears pink and white, with a glittery belt, and has the sweet Rock Star look.

Selena has the retro classic look with a loose fitted laced white shirt and black high waist shorts.

Again, Selena has a modern retro ?casual? look with jeans and layers of tops.

Miley has a classic winter look, and this is probably the winter Rock Star look.

Aileen N 12/01/11

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