Ungaro ? Paris Fashion Week ? Fall/Winter 2011/2012 – Women

This show has a ?gladiator? feel about it, but laced with powerful patterns and /straight stiff fits.
A lot of the dresses have a zipper on the back of the dress.

Each item demands to take space, and where nobody would dare asking silly questions and small talk with you when wearing any of the items from she show, and even if they did, it’s them that’s in the wrong place and not you.

The items have a museum (reminding you of a woman from back in history) aura about them because they are so strong, and somehow shows a combination of how ?hard? it was in the past and I’m taking charge of my personality myself, just need to wear one of these items on this night to prove that is my change. And if I run in to somebody I like or dislike today, it wouldn’t matter the same way anymore.

They don’t try to show off the body, more so they have a lot of presence in reminding you of the shirt you thought was too sexy to wear, but wearing it with the long pants you never wanted to wear makes the difference. Or your favorite tube top that you always would wear, but with a skirt that you never would pay attention to.

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Aileen N 12/09/11

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