Where checkered is spotted

Burberry Summer 2010

We who are familiar with this brand know it stays true to soft beige and checkered patterns. The Burberry summer 2010 Runway impressed me with their Trench-coats and Hand-Bags. When 7.31 minutes in the Runway clip on Youtube, we see a shorter form of Trench-coat with medium high waist skirt going over it. This attire put together with the ankle socks and high heels, in tones of Grey and light fluffy beige creates a very Fashionable modern look and really highlights Burberry’s Summer look. When 8.08 minutes in, we see a light blue dress that breaks away from all the Trench-coats and really makes Burberry’s Summer look appealing to those who stay in the sun. The details along the side of the dress together with the details from waist down, together with the relaxed belt makes this dress unique but still classic and simple. When 8.55 minutes in we see a similar dress with a V-neck this time. The small changes to each item really personalizes so you can get it the way you want it.


Burberry Summer 2011

In their latest collection, we even see stripes going over their Trench-coats, loose fitted T-shirt inspired dresses and Leather jackets. Bright pink colors surprised me compared to the sophisticated runway show last year. The leather and tight fitted pants culture inspired by Burberry is something worth watching for Fashion lovers.


More on Checkered pattern


Sometimes patterns in the Fashion world can seam difficult to read and wear, due to mass production of the same pattern that is coming back from the fifties or seventies, without a Fashion Brand name;?who were the people who wore this patterns then and what did they stand for??, is a popular question that goes around in peoples thoughts when popular patterns hit our modern generation Fashion market. The Urban and Sub Culture accepted this pattern and it immediately became a hit all over the world about two years ago.


The Checkered Pattern was popular in the fifties and came back though punk rock bands in the seventies. It always had been popular in brands like Ralph Lauren Polo wear and Burberry, but came in mass productions about a year ago. It was almost like it was reserved for this time of Fashion, because it can be combined in multiple colors and can be worn both casually and Fashionably. The Checkered pattern can be both squared and diamond shaped.


The highly Fashionable brand Prada’s Fall 2010 Hang Bag Runway show presented hang bags in Checkered patterns that received both good and bad compliments by viewers.


The world of Skateboarding highly appreciates the Checkered pattern in their Fashion. This picture is taken from http://favim.com/image/85726/, and show’s a great example of how the Checkered pattern is worn Fashionably.

by Aileen N.


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